Please find below some of the products that we use and recommend.

AIM BarleyLife – Nutrition That Works!

AIM BarleyLife – Nutrition That Works!
2011 started a year long search to find a company...

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Green Star Elite Lifetime Juicer and Personal Juicing Session

Green Star Elite Lifetime Juicer and Personal Juicing Session
You have a degenerative, or chronic disease or cancer or...

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Champion Lifetime Juicer and Personal Juicing Session

Champion Lifetime Juicer and Personal Juicing Session
You are fairly healthy (no chronic disease or cancer) You...

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Aquasana Filters

Aquasana Filters
There are many choices for water filters, we recommend Aquasana...

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Big Berkey Water Filters

Big Berkey Water Filters
Big Berkey Water Filters My Number One Recommendation Now that...

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My Favorite Cleaners

My Favorite Cleaners
Lavender and Thieves Oil I first learned about Thieves Oil...

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Vita Cost

Vita Cost
Let's go shopping where we save money on healthy foods!...

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Kitchen Products

Kitchen Products
Things I like and Use in the Kitchen Over the...

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