How does My Busy Healthy Life work?
- Each phase has webinars and teleclasses to help you get organized.
- Each week you receive an email from Celeste with 5-6 Action steps.
- You read the lesson and follow the steps.
- Your body does the rest.
Do I have to join AIM?
- You will receive a 20-30% discount on your My Busy Healthy Life products by joining AIM.
- After much research and 10 years of experience we stick with AIM. We do not sell or recommend any other products.
Why do you use AIM products?
Since 2005 we have become very familiar with many nutrition companies and are disappointed in most. When looking for a company whose products we could recommend we developed 5 criteria. AIM is the only one that has met all five of our criteria:
- They must have a reputable history.
- AIM has been in business for over 30 years and helped thousands of people restore and maintain their health.
- We have met many people who used the AIM products to heal all kinds of diseases, even cancer, and sustain their health.
- AIM products are based on natural health principles and proven science, not on fads.
- They must have high quality ingredients and good quality control.
- AIM oversees the growth, production, and manufacturing of all of their products. Ingredients are grown in clean environments and AIM microbiologists (who we know personally) test every batch for pathogens and bacteria and viability (living food).
- When AIM products go through third party testing they always come out 100%, which is rare for nutrition products.
- They must have good customer service.
- AIM customer service, located in Boise Idaho is the best customer service I have ever experienced.
- AIM focuses their efforts on supporting their members.
- They must have good financial practices.
- AIM business plans have excellent payouts.
- AIM is financially stable and debt free.
- AIM is run on Biblical stewardship principles, AIM business owners are free to bequeath their earnings to non-profit or missions groups at any time, including at their death. AIM business partners support many worldwide Christian ministries.
- They must have affordable products.
- AIM juices and supplements are right in line with all reputable nutrition companies.
- Their juices are comparable in price and nutrition to making your own juice without the mess and time of juicing.
How do I know what AIM supplements to take?
We give you a list of supplements, a link to purchase and a schedule of how to take them.
Do I have to take the AIM supplements long term?
- By the end of Phase 3 you will know which supplements you feel you need to continue, based on the effect on your body.
- We recommend everyone continue with the Garden Trio juices and a digestive enzyme.
I don’t know anything about healthy eating, how does My Busy Healthy Life help me?
- We give you eat this/not that lists
- How to set up your kitchen for healthy cooking
- Our number one secret to success is on the DVD Success My Way…the salad bar box and 6 cooking shows of foods to make in minutes from your salad bar box.
- Menus
- Recipes
- Cooking Demonstrations
- Tools for tracking your progress
- Tools for obstacles you encounter
- Step by Step instructions for every phase
Do you do testing?
Your My Busy Healthy Life subscription includes a free subjective test you complete each week called a Personal Symptoms Tracker (PST).
This powerful test helps you connect the dots between your food, lifestyle and physical complaints and symptoms. You can print it out and use it or save it on your computer as a fillable form. Celeste Davis and Barbara Bird, one of our My Busy Healthy Life coaches recorded a teleclass to teach you how to use the PST.
Do I receive any live coaching?
My Busy Healthy Life is a self-directed coaching program. Check out our Mastermind Groups for a community support group and our Personal Mentoring programs for customized one-on-one support.
Are there any “hidden costs”?
- The total cost for the My Busy Healthy Life program and the AIM products are your upfront costs.
- Other costs may include equipment you want to purchase to simplify meal preparation or specialized foods such as gluten free foods, raw local honey, etc.
- We do not have any hidden…”oh yes and you need this” in this program.
What is My Busy Healthy Life?
My Busy Healthy Life is a 4-month program that walks you through 4 phases resulting in a healthy lifestyle you can live with long term.
Will I lose weight?
The average weight loss for women who follow the program completely is 7-15 pounds; although there are those who lose more and go on to lose much more, up to 100 pounds over the course of a year. Average weight loss for men is 20-30 pounds (I know ladies, that stinks!)
What is Phase 1 – Prepare?
- Prepare your body, mind and your kitchen by starting with 3 simple healthy life habits.
- Free tools to monitor your progress.
What if I need to gain weight?
Most people who need to gain weight will initially lose some as they rid their bodies of inflammation. However, as they continue to eat well they find they are able to reach a comfortable weight. We have special tips for those wanting to put on pounds as well.
What is Phase 2 – Cleanse?
- We walk you step by step through a 28-day Cleanse using the AIM products.
- You get recipes, menus, schedules and tools to track your food
- Restore energy, reverse aging and disease and rest well.
- Don’t worry! We walk you through step-by-step.
Do you have a Facebook group?
Yes, My Busy Health Life participants are invited to join our Facebook Group for inspiration, support, motivation and friendship.
What is Phase 3 – Listen?
In this powerful phase you learn what foods might be causing some of your physical complaints, lack of energy and pain. We teach you to listen to your body and understand your part in a healthy body.
I Have a medical condition and take pharmaceutical drugs, can I do the program?
- We recommend you consult with your health care practitioner. Two AIM products in the cleanse package contain herbs that could interact with certain RX drugs. You can ask your pharmacist to run a drug interaction report for you.
- Anyone with a medical condition requiring prescription drugs will benefit greatly from a Discovery Session to customize their program.
What is Phase 4 – Nourish?
We guide you in creating a healthy food and life plan that works in your real life…including what to do when other people, travel and life events get in the way.
Will this program heal my medical condition?
- The body heals itself. This program is designed to teach you how to partner with your body by giving it what it needs to heal.
- Many people report reversing serious and chronic and even life threatening medical conditions as they partner with their body by providing healthy real food and healthy lifestyle habits. See our radio show archives and testimonials for more info.
What is the total cost?
My Busy Healthy Life 4-month program costs approximately $600.
- The 4-month coaching program, which walks you step-by-step to a healthier life, is $50 per month for 4 months. ($200)
- The AIM products for the Cleanse portion of the program are approximately $350-$375 (costs vary due to shipping and taxes). This includes raw juice powders, protein powder, fiber and cleansing and balancing supplements.
- NOTE: There may be some additional costs as you replace your processed conventional foods with healthier alternatives or purchase kitchen tools that make a healthier lifestyle simpler.
What about the cost?
My Busy Healthy Life program is a comprehensive program…it addresses all aspects of your life; consider the program an investment in your future health.
My Busy Healthy Life provides quality coaching in a cost effective manner. The weekly emails are personal and informative and easy to read. You would pay about three times your monthly amount PER SESSION for this level of one on one coaching.
You will spend money on sickness or health, the choice is up to you.
The AIM supplements are real, concentrated foods that are non-GMO, and herbicide and pesticide free. It is common to pay almost $4.00 per pound for such foods in a healthy grocery store. 1 serving of our cleansing foundational food, The Garden Trio, contains 5 pounds of concentrated raw vegetable nutrition with no preservatives or chemicals! That would cost you $20 at the health food grocery store.