Karen and Her Family

Karen and Her Family
Family Collage Gourley

These beautiful people need our help!  Karen has captured my heart over the past few months of working with her.  NEVER have I met someone with so much faith and willingness to work more than hard to help her family recover.

I’m asking you to please pray for this family, especially for support and help for Karen; often the caregiver is most overlooked.  Pray for increased faith, divine healing, provision and new vision for their lives.  Please pray for Nathaniel as he is experiencing so much loss…his dad, security in his home, his grandma’s life in the balance and his mom so divided trying to give everyone what they need.

I’m also asking you to consider giving.  They have huge financial needs, Karen is home to make sure her husband gets the therapy and care he needs and helping with her mom’s care as well.

Here’s their story in Karen’s own words:

So here we are at the age of 43, the prime of your life right?  I work at a middle school and my husband has been #1 tech at his job for the last several years in a row.  He loves coaching football and basketball.

Our big accomplishment in the summer of 2014 was running the “Tough Mudder” together. Eleven muddy miles up a mountainside, down a mountain side over walls, through ice pits and more…we’ve done some crazy things together.

My husband was an athlete, naturally good at whatever he put his mind to.  He is an encourager, always helping others train and accomplish what they were trying to do.  We both served on committees and volunteered around our town.  We also teach our son the importance of serving others.

Our son Nathaniel is in middle school, he has always been a good student, very respectful and kind.  We have been very blessed.

Tragedy Strikes

On the night of March 18, 2015 my husband was at a meeting.  I had just got into my PJ’s and was crawling into bed when I got a phone call from a friend who was with Shawn at the meeting and said “you need to get down here right away there is something wrong with Shawn”.

So I jumped in the car along with my son, who is eleven and couldn’t be left home alone.  As I pulled into the parking lot there was an ambulance and my husband was lying on the floor being worked on by the paramedics. I knew something was wrong… and it was bad.  I started praying for God to intervene immediately.

I called my mom (who is my biggest support and prayer warrior) to come pick up Nathaniel.   We road to the hospital by ambulance where they told me Shawn was having a stroke.  They life-flighted him to Portland and I followed behind in the car with my sister-in-law. It was the longest ride of my life.   Before we reached the hospital they called me asking permission to drill a hole in his head to relieve the pressure.

By the time we got to the hospital he was out of surgery and in recovery.   They informed me that Shawn had had a hemorrhagic stroke.  These strokes are rare 8%-14% of people have them and most do not make it to the hospital.  Already God is answering our prayers.   That night started our journey of almost 3 months in the hospital.  A month in ICU then later intense in-patient care and finally I was able to bring Shawn home on June 12th.

My life became an endless sea of paper work with insurance and disability services. Appointment after appointment and the list goes on.  Don’t get me wrong I am not complaining I count it a blessing to be able to do this for my husband and they say God doesn’t give you more then you can handle right?!

Tragedy Strikes Again!  Karen’s Mother, Cheryl, Diagnosed with Terminal Cancer

In just two months of eating a raw, alkaline diet with the AIM juices in massive quantities and a few other necessary supplements Cheryl is breathing better, feeling stronger and healthier and losing excess weight.  She’s about to beat her 6 month death sentence.

On the way home from one of our many appointments I received a phone call that my mom was out at the emergency room (in the same room my husband had been in a few months before).  She had been battling pneumonia for the past 2 weeks (so they thought).

We found out the cancer that she had a year and a half ago that started in her uterus had now come back in her lungs.  They sent her home on hospice and told her “if she was lucky” she would have 6 months to live.  I couldn’t believe it.  First my husband now this with my mom.   I once again begin to pray for healing for them both.  I knew I had to do something.

I started researching natural therapy methods.  That is when the Lord had a friend introduce me to Celeste Davis and the AIM products.  I started talking with Celeste and she helped me get my mom on the AIM juices and supplements.  We also got her on a very strict eating plan of raw foods.

Celeste helped me get my husband started on the same plan with bone broth.  She also gave me information on two machines to help with healing called the Far Infrared Hot House and Chi Machine.  It took me a couple weeks after getting them both started on the diet to really start researching the machines.

One morning I was listening to some testimonies of others who have had great success with using the machines.  One testimony was from a woman who had a stroke and had lost the use of her arm.  After 5 months of using the machines she had restored 95% of the use of her arm.  This story really spoke to me.  I immediately got on the phone and called Celeste and said, “I have to get these 2 machines”.    My husband uses the Chi Machine and Hot House on his right side and my mom uses it for her entire body, especially over her lungs.

In Just 2 Months – Great Improvement!

My mom is doing better.  She is breathing better and her type 2 diabetes is also under control. She no longer needs pain medications. My mom is over weight and has now lost 65 pounds and starting to get up and move around more.  They told her she would live six months and that will be January.

It is now December and she is feeling better instead of worse.  We continue to pray and follow the plan.

My mom has always been a strong woman of faith and is always helping others. She really believes it is not her time. She feels the Lord will heal her and that she still has work to do helping others. Especially now helping others fight this cancer fight.

I have taken a leave from my work to be able to take Shawn to all of his appointments and have time to make the bone broth, do the shopping and food preparation for him and mom both. We have some significant expenses.

The stroke robbed this robust football and basketball coach of his ability to provide for his family or do simple every day tasks…but he is a fighter!

After 2 months of AIM juices, a brain supplement, EHT and some natural healing tools Shawn is able to walk without a cane.

We have been doing these therapies, the AIM cleanse and juices and a mostly raw healthy diet for about 2 months; even on Thanksgiving.

My husband is doing much better in his therapy. Even better than the therapists expected and he is now walking without his cane and is getting some use of his right arm.

We still have a long way to go, but believe that he will continue to get better. He really struggles with being depressed with the situation, because he feels like he can do nothing compared to what he used to do.

I just keep encouraging him and he keeps working hard.

Eating only organic and mostly raw foods, the machines that are helping them heal, the AIM juices many times a day and supplements add up quickly.

In addition we drive to Salem two to three times a week for physical therapy (70 miles round trip each time) and we go to speech here in town every week. We are hoping to get some counseling for Shawn to help him have new vision for his life, this is another expense.

Going to Salem for therapy is worth it. The Therapist Mike Studer is the best. He really encourages Shawn and he knows a lot about retraining your brain. The other day Shawn was using his right arm to punch a punching bag. This really encouraged Shawn.

Shawn has lost his job. We are waiting on SSI disability and he has long-term disability from his work. This is less then half of what he normally makes. I am now on FMLA but am almost out so will have to return to work as well soon. Not sure how we will continue all of the therapy when that happens.

In the mean time I still have a 12-year-old son who is in sports and trying to keep life as normal for him as possible. He is a great kid and has been awesome through all of this. Having an almost teen involved in sports is not cheap either, yet God keeps providing.


From Celeste:

I know you believe in natural health and the importance of doing your part.  Karen, Shawn and Cheryl are working hard to bring healing to their family.  I’m going to be frank.

If you eat healthy you know the extra work and expense required.  Cheryl and Shawn both take the Garden Trio juices 7 times a day!  That runs into great expense, in addition to some other healing supplements and the expensive equipment to restore Shawn’s mobility and kill the cancer that is trying to kill Cheryl.

Will you partner with me in helping them?  I am gifting my services as much as they need it for the entire family, they are going into debt and have little income to help with these powerful healing foods.

It costs about one hundred dollars a day to keep these two in their healing therapies.  I know when they are well they will give back.

Can you help?  Below are links to Go Fund Me pages for both Shawn & Karen and mom Sheryl.

Help Shawn & Karen & Nathaniel   https://www.gofundme.com/pkcpw4

Help Sheryl Fight Cancer https://www.gofundme.com/u68k526k


Some have said they prefer to send directly to the family.

Their address is:

Shawn & Karen Gourley, 161 Wheeler St, Lebanon, OR 97355-4346

Please note if your donation is for Shawn or mom Sheryl.

Please consider what you can give and share this story and email with your friends and family.  



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