Developing a War Room Prayer Life

The movie War Room was inspiring and made me want to run home and set up my closet and yet…how do you really do “it”…pray the War Room way… effectively? The movie showed the results of this type of prayer and the struggle but not the process. I began to seek The Lord and eventually started working on my own War Room strategy.

I’m a hands-on person. Don’t give me an instruction book; I need hands on. So I called my friend Roxanne DeJarnatt. I knew Roxanne had gone to battle for her daughter Skye’s deliverance from serious and almost fatal drug addiction. Roxanne is a prayer warrior.

The more I’ve been working on my own War Room Prayer Strategy the more I’ve felt nudged by the Holy Spirit to talk about this on the radio. Especially after two shows on abortion recovery…I realized people need some hands on, show me how to do it, instruction on prayer.

Our spirit, soul and body are divinely and intricately woven together. They cannot be separated; one affects the other. I knew instruction on prayer would also bring physical, financial and emotional health to some people.

1 John 3:2 says “I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul (mind, will and emotion) prospers.” Understanding how to pray is key to prosperity of soul.

So on Tuesday, November 10 Roxanne drove over an hour to be live on the radio at KITC Fm in Gilchrist, Oregon. I’ve been told this was the best show we’ve done so far…out of 2 years worth! It certainly did not FEEL like the best while we were talking; or even after. Let me explain.

We started the show talking about strategy – the main point of the War Room movie. Roxanne shared what a strategy is and why we need it. She pointed out that Satan has a strategy and we need one as well in this battle.

Suddenly Roxanne and I had almost deafening country music blaring in our headphones. I was panicked. Could our listeners hear us? Was this music drowning out our voices? Were we even on the air?

I nodded at Roxanne to continue and busily tried to figure out what was happening. I quickly texted the station manager, Bill. I phoned him and left a message. I looked at the computer, the mixer board. Where was this music coming from? Finally I told Roxanne, we need to take a break and pray about this music.

One of our listeners, my sister-in-law Cyndi, texted me. “The music is not loud to the listener. Just keep on moving forward I am praying for both of you.” Wow was that a comfort!

The deafening country music in our headphones was now on the third song. I told our listeners, we are going to a break, we will be right back and put on the song “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” by Hillsong.

The MINUTE, I kid you not, the minute I started “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” the country music stopped and did not return.

The station manager just told me today, that music was not coming from the station. He does not know where it was from….did I have a CD going? No. The strangest thing was that during the break, the music was even coming from Roxanne’s phone…which was off. But again, once the name of Jesus was shared over the airwaves the distracting music stopped.

During this time I really understood Distractions…one of Satan’s biggest and easiest tools. I should not be surprised he would try it on us. And it worked…to a degree. We kept on with our discussion. Roxanne shared her powerful testimony of not giving up and persevering in prayer for her daughter who is now 5 years clean and living well.

That country music blaring in our headphones rattled both of us physically, emotionally and spiritually. We kept talking but we didn’t know if it even made sense or really what we said…even after the music stopped Satan’s second strategy, fear and anxiety, were trying to overwhelm us. Thankfully, we had feedback that let us know the message came through loud and clear.

My sister-in-law said she felt the Holy Spirit say this attack of distraction was against us to stop the message, not because of us but because there were people listening whose lives would be changed.

What stopped the distraction? The name of Jesus. The name above all names. Jesus. So when you feel like distraction blaring in your ears, taking over your mind, disconnecting your body and your ability to reason, say the name of Jesus. Fill your room, your heart; your mind and speak the out the name above all names…and the distraction will go. Jesus, Lover of My Soul.

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