Gizmo the Cyst Shrinks Again!

If you’ve read my other posts on my health challenge you know I have an ovarian cyst that grew to the size of a basketball over a number of years.  All the doctors tests show it is just a cyst, no cancer, however, it has caused a huge hernia…diastasis recti.  You can read about it here if you like…

I call the cyst Gizmo…if you don’t understand that you can read about it here

Gizmo Shrinks Again!

If you’ve ever had a potentially serious health challenge you’ll understand what I’m about to say…if you haven’t I hope you get this for the sake of loved ones around you who may encounter such a problem.

Regardless of how close you are to God, how much you believe in Him, how much you believe for other people, when it happens to you, and you are given a DIAGNOSIS LABEL for it, your mind goes places you don’t really want to go.

You will remember I was anointed with oil and prayed for according to James 5 in the Bible.  I was also  told through a word of knowledge this is an attack on my Confidence and I should use my voice to speak that I am healed.

That resonated immediately with me.  You see my personal mission statement is this:

To Incite People To Confidence In God.

So it makes sense my own personal confidence would be attacked.

Back in 2009 I attended a natural health conference where Depak Chapra was the keynote speaker.  I sat through his spiritually dark and manipulative session that began with having the crowd “meditate” to a very seductive woman’s voice that sounded like something from the Song of Solomon only way more graphic.  I was with Dr. Craig Roles, he told me to “pray in the Holy Spirit” so I did.

I asked The Lord, “why are you putting me, ‘the church lady’ in such a dark world?  It was then He gave me the verse that keeps me going…Acts 26:18

“I am sending you to them18 to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.”

HOWEVER, I must confess that “Label” diagnosis has worked on me.  I’ve needed people around me to talk it out with, pray with me, listen to my worrisome thoughts…and encourage my faith!  Some people say…”you know God uses the medical world for healing too” and other people say “we are standing with you for a miracle”!  It gets confusing.  I have to continually go back to what I was told in the beginning and do what God has asked me to do – Speak that I am healed and walk in confidence.

The Holy Spirit has been revealing some of my “stuff” that is contributing to this annoying cyst so I’ve also been doing some “cleansing work” with Him.

All that to say, Gizmo the cyst has shrunk a total of 7  inches!  Still a ways to go but it is starting to look…and feel…obvious that it is going away!

I thank God for his divine healing.  I stand on his promise that I can have confidence…1 John 5:13-15

13These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. 14This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.…
The journey is believing every minute of every day, speaking it with my voice and keeping my thoughts captive!
People’s prayers have strengthened me the most…this one came from my sister-in-law in China..
“I prayed for your healing today during an altar call from a YouTube video of Bethel. Bill Johnson said “There are some of you that are being used by God to bring healing to others (that’s you!), but you yourself are facing physical challenges.
He reminded us of the scripture about not putting a muzzle on the ox. Meaning those who are bringing healing to others, should be able to feast for healing for themselves. I couldn’t help but think of all the people that you helped find healing physically, emotionally and spiritually. I am holding tight for a physical healing for you!”
What a surprise to receive a random call from a Tennessee friend who just called to pray with me.  I have to be honest, I’m not used to being on the receiving end but am Thankful for such kindnesses.
It’s also a blessing to have Phil by my side praying for me and with me; he just tells me he’s here for me…I’m so thankful for him and our 40+ years together!


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