Ebola, How I Would Protect Myself

2-Sick-woman-thermometerWe live in a wilderness area…in fact there are only about 10 people who live full time in a five mile radius from our home; consequently we feel fairly isolated from the potential of an Ebola exposure.

However, many of my friends, both of my children, their spouses and my grandchildren live and work in cities with a very high percentage of international travel.

Additionally many of my friends are required to travel to the major cities of the country and our world by air and are constantly at risk not only for Ebola exposure but to many germs, viruses and bacteria.

What I Would Do If I Lived or Traveled To Areas With High International Exposure or Flight or Public Transportation

With this in mind, I wanted to let you know what I would do if in a position for potential exposure.  On a happier side, doing these things could actually prevent you from getting sick at all this winter!  A real bonus.

None of the products or companies I am going to share with you have published a claim that they will protect you from Ebola.  

Further more, this post is not intended to replace advice from your licensed medical professional and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease.  

Rather to educate you on options to boost your immune system, your strongest defender.  Use this information at your own risk and always consult your health professional in all matters pertaining to your health.

Our best defense against ALL virus, bacteria and germs is a STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM.

My recommendations are based purely on nutrition (which one expert said today will help people resist germs they may encounter) and some historical evidence for Thieves Oil, an essential oil…which I will start with.

Thieves Oil is a blend of essential oils

Based on the historical account during the time of highly contagious and deadly “Plague” in France.   A group of Thieves came to France during the plague to rob the graves and homes where people were quarantined.  These THIEVES could freely roam robbing graves and engage with infected corpses and sick people without getting sick.  When finally captured they were told not be prosecuted if they shared the secret for not getting the highly contagious and deadly plague.  Their secret…a blend of essential oils rubbed on their bodies and taken internally protected them.

This proprietary essential oil blend was university tested for its cleansing abilities. It is highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health.* Young Living Oils

Bonus!  It smells amazing!

Find out more about Thieves Oil HerePurchase Here

What I would purchase (and already love and use):

  • Thieves waterless hand cleaner and make sure I have it with me at all times and make sure my family also has it and uses it.  I would practice this with my family.
  • The Thieves Essential Oil.  I would rub this on the bottom of my feet and my families feet every night…where it will be rapidly absorbed into the system.
  • An Oil Diffuser for my home.  You put a few drops of the essential oil in the diffuser and it goes into the air where you will breathe it in as well as purify the air.  If I was traveling I would buy a Travel Fan Diffuser and put it to work in my hotel room.
  • Thieves Cleaner.  This is a concentrated cleaner, again to deal with all kinds of germs, virus, bacteria.  We’ve even used it very effectively to clean carpet and white furniture!

Second I would purchase (and already use) and consume the following super antioxidants to repair, strengthen and protect my cells.  Purchase these products, click here.

The AIM Garden Trio (we use this daily).  The juices of young Barley Grass, Carrots and Beets taken on an empty stomach will go into the cellular level and cleanse, repair and protect the cells.  Wait 30 minutes before consuming any other food.

AIM Proancyanol 2000, a powerful antioxidant.  I would take this throughout the day on a daily basis.

Click Here for info on these products plus 5 Tips to protect yourself from winter colds and flu and potentially other scary viruses.

Third, I would boost my Vitamin D levels with around 10,000 units per day.  I would only use Cholecalciferol in dropper form.  We get our Vitamin D from www.vitacost.com

I would also completely avoid all refined sugar and products containing it.

Dr. Nancy Appleton, PhD, author of Suicide by Sugar, has devoted her life to the effects of refined sugar on the body states that more than 8 grams (2 teaspoons) of refined Sugar compromises your immune system for 6-8 hours.  Use Honey or Stevia instead.  Just for the record, even though we live in the wilderness, we have avoided refined sugar and products for the most part since 2005.

If you want to really boost your immune system

My Busy Healthy Life will walk you from Junk Food Junkie to Healthy Health Nut in just 4 months.  Check it out here.

I am proud to say I use and  an affiliate of both Young Living Oils and The AIM companies and www.vitacost.com.  If you purchase any products from the links above I may be compensated in some way.  I appreciate your support as these compensations allow me to devote my time and energy to helping others maintain and restore their health.

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