Day 21 Removing the Veil
Day 21 Removing the Veil
Removing the Veil. The kidnapping attempt shook Sarah to the core. She became fearful of going out in the village, afraid of being grabbed and dragged off. It was a week before Hannah successfully coaxed her out, reminding Sarah that part of her daily preparation for her groom and the Esther treatments were mikvah (ceremonial cleansing) baths with the oils and beauty treatments. “Do you really want Jacob, who has not seen you in 7 years, to come for a smelly, dirty, crusty bride?” Sarah finally chuckled and agreed to go.
During Sarah’s week of hiding, Hannah pointed out the people around her. “Sarah”, she whispered at the Sabbath table, “look how much your parents look alike.” Hannah began to point out every happily married couple that came to Sarah’s fathers house and comment on how much they looked alike and how they looked at one another when they were together. Sarah grew tired of Hannah’s continual pestering. “Hannah! Why do you keep talking about my parents, my aunts and uncles, my sisters and their husbands? I know you…what are you trying to say?” “Oh my”, Hannah replied with a smile, “I just began to notice how much these happily married couples look alike after years of being together. It’s quite amazing!”
Reflections of Covenant
The trip out of the house to the mikvah pool was uneventful although Sarah anxiously and fearfully watched every young man who crossed their path. As a betrothed bride, whose groom was to come soon, Sarah had private access to the mikvah pool at a certain time each day; just Sarah and Hannah and the basket of oils, soaps and scrubbers for her Esther treatments.
Hannah stopped Sarah from undressing as soon as she removed her veil. “Stop for a moment and come over to the edge of the pool.” The pool was clear and Sarah could easily see her reflection. “Bend over Sarah, what do you see?”
Sarah impatiently bent over the edge of the pool to clearly see her own lovely face. “What do you see?” Hannah insisted. “I see, I see a woman with a withered foot who should be married but is not.” Sarah said vehemently.
“Look closer”, Hannah replied, “see the beauty of your skin, the richness of your hair, the life in your eyes. These reflect who you are in a way that very few people can see right now because of the veil.” Hannah continued, “When we are out in the community you wear the veil that signifies you are taken, you are “bought with a price” no one – No One – can remove that veil outside of your home, except for your groom, Jacob.”
Abandoned and Unworthy
Sarah began to cry softly, wondering if she would ever experience the return of her groom. “Sarah!” Hannah scolded, “why are you crying and feeling sorry for yourself? Jacob left me here with you as a seal of his promise to return. If he had no intention of coming would he have left me all these years?”
Hannah continued, “look at the woman you have become…look! Look again into the pool.” Sarah obeyed her teacher. “7 years ago you were a young girl whose only skill was limping to the well to draw water with your girlfriends and help with menial tasks around the house.”
Hannah grabbed Sarahs shoulders with confidence, “Now you are a refined and beautiful woman. You know how to run business matters, you shop for fine goods, you create beautiful textiles and you know how to run a house with servants. You are now a woman of virtue! How would it have been for Jacob to marry that young girl? When he comes for you the price he has paid, which is great, will be well worth it!”
“Thank you for that reminder Hannah, you have taught me so well.” Sarah acquiesced and then tears ran down her cheeks. “I am tired of waiting, I want to go to my groom, to my destiny and yet at the same time I often feel so unworthy of Jacob. I feel ugly and unlovely with this withered foot. Even though the Esther treatments have greatly improved my foot, it is still deformed and imperfect. I fear Jacob will send me away when he finally sees the “real me”.
When the veil is removed, struggles will soon be forgotten
Hannah put her arms around Sarah. “dear girl, once your love is shared in the marriage bed Jacob will remove the veil from your face and you will freely expose your body, soul and spirit to the one who loves you so. You will finally see each other face to face for the first time since your betrothal.
What a wonderful time that will be. To share your secrets, your hopes, your dreams with your covenant partner. When you see each other – face to face – these struggles of waiting so long will all be forgotten.” The loving counselor continued, “This week I’ve been pointing out happily married couples in your family. Your parents, how they look so alike after decades of marriage. Your young sister and her husband as they glance at each other with admiration and expectation. Your aunts and uncles who even have the same laugh!
You see, Sarah, as these loving couples look at each other face to face they become one, they are transformed into the image of “Us” instead of “I”. This, Sarah is the true covenant, when you exchange your identity as one greatly loved with each other and you give your authority freely because you trust.
Hannah continued, “The Ketubah covenant contract is a legal document to get you through the waiting and the hard times but when you become one flesh and see each other without the veil; that is the precious covenant of marriage.
Jacob is your covenant partner, your groom. Everything, EVERYTHING he has done for the past 7 years has been with one thought in mind…waiting for his father to say “go get your bride”. Soon the veil will be lifted and you will see your groom face to face. Only Jacob can remove that veil and he knows it is a great privilege. Believe me, he is just as anxious for his bride as you are for your groom.”
I can identify…abandoned, unworthy, and waiting
I can identify with Sarah, even though I’m almost 60. Growing up as a follower of Jesus Christ I did not expect to live this long; I expected my savior to come for me in the rapture much sooner. As time has passed, evil has increased and the love of many Christians has become cold. I, like many others, wonder…is he EVER going to come? I long to have my destiny fulfilled. I know I’ve developed some wonderful skills and use them to the best of my ability to serve My Lord, and yet, there is a part of me that says I am so unworthy. I am lame and crippled and…sinful! At the same time, I long to see Jesus…my groom…my covenant partner. Hannah in our story is a type of the Holy Spirit. I am thankful he sent me the Holy Spirit to comfort, counsel, and convict me of sin.
John 16:12-16 tells me of the Holy Spirit’s role in my life.
- When I begin to think with my fleshly desires, impatience and lusts, like Hannah, the Holy Spirit guides me into all truth.
- When I wonder, which is the “right” way, the Holy Spirit speaks what he hears from the Father.
- When I am unsure of the future, the Holy Spirit tells me what is yet to come.
- The Holy Spirit takes everything that belongs to Jesus and makes it known to me.
These blessings give me bold confidence as the Bride of Christ and increase my desire for my groom. As 2 Timothy 4:8 reminds me:
Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day–and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
Only the Bridegroom Can Remove the Veil
The Bible talks about a veil as well. Sarah wore a veil to say she was “bought with a price” betrothed, she belongs to another. The veil the Bible refers to is different in some ways but it correlates with Sarah’s feelings about her life and waiting for her groom. This is the veil of unbelief; one I struggle with as do many of us who are waiting for our groom.
2 Corinthians 3:12-14 admonishes us,
12 Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. 13 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. The veil has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. 15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate[a] the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
How it makes my heart sing
How wonderful that we don’t have to wait like Sarah did for her groom to remove the veil. Our groom, Jesus Christ has done it … V16 “whenever anyone turns to The Lord, the veil is taken away.
And an amazing truth:
Where the Spirit of The Lord is there is freedom!
And we become like Him as we look into his face, without the veil of unbelief, we are transformed into His image from glory to glory! Amen!
About the Author: Celeste Davis, is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ with a heart to walk fully in Covenant with Him. As Founder of The Wellness Workshop, Celeste’s passion is to teach women and impact their families to “Be Nourished” as opposed to dieting or trying different life strategies. We nourish our bodies with God-Made Food, our Souls with God-Made Relationships and our Spirits with the Word of God and Prayer. More Info about Celeste.