My Costco Shopping List

These are items I regularly buy at Costco

Every store is a little different but these items seem to be consistently available.

Buying healthy food can be expensive…especially if you keep “trying new things” and find you don’t like them.  It can also be fattening…just because something is organic doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want!  We’ve been on a healthy eating journey for 10 years.  We have three stores we regularly go to and Costco is one of them.  Ocassionaly I will “wander” to see what new things they have, but as I said, that can be expensive, so typically I stick to these basics.

If the Costco size is too much for you to use, find someone to share with.  You will save money and often get better products.


  • Organic leafy greens-spinach, spring mix
  • Organic broccoli
  • Organic carrots
  • Organic apples
  • Avocados (don’t need to be organic)

Costco Butcher Case or Frozen

High quality meats can be extremely expensive, however, if you reduce your meat intake, as we have, to 12 ounces per week, you can afford the better quality and avoid the chemicals, hormones, antibiotics and diseases associated with conventionally farmed animals.

  • Ground Turkey (I frequently use this instead of hamburger)
  • Wild Caught Salmon and Halibut (sometimes it’s fresh or frozen)
  • Free Range organic chicken
  • Grass Fed/Finished hamburger and steak
  • Sliced organic turkey


  • Costco brand Organic butter

Specialty Refrigerated

  • Jack’s Organic Salsa
  • They sometimes have good organic gluten free prepared foods…read the labels.
  • Small containers of hummus and guacamole


  • Organic frozen fruit


  • Organic unrefined coconut oil (I prefer Nativa over the Costco brand)
  • Avocado Oil
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (only use cold…do not cook with it)


  • Raw Almonds and organic Almond butter

Gluten Free Products – In the front of the store by the snacks

  • Mary’s Gone Crackers
  • Sweet Potato crackers (Don’t remember the brand)
  • Organic Quinoa

Bread Section

  • Organic Non-GMO Corn chips and Essential Baking Gluten Free bread

Canned Meats

  • Costco brand Albacore tuna

Canned Foods

  • Organic tomato sauce
  • Organic black beans
  • Organic pinto beans
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