Gizmo the cyst…meet God

My growing belly and the upcoming doctors appointment were taking up too much real estate in my mind last week. All those “What Ifs” about this ugly cyst left me feeling disjointed and unable to concentrate.  I asked  God to direct my thoughts and my work many times a day.

One of my tasks was to get our radio show booked for the rest of the year…deciding on topics, looking for great guests, and God was bringing them in!


I contacted a woman, Roxanne, who I knew from our years on staff together at Westside Church in Bend, Oregon. We reconnected a few months ago on Facebook (yes, God can even use Facebook) and I was interested in her blog about going through a difficult season of life and the path God led her on to wholeness.


Our September shows feature guests who are in the business of helping others heal and yet experience a health challenge themselves. I knew the challenge Roxanne faced was not health-related, however, as a counselor, she had a huge battle with discouragement, and fear and depression, so I thought it would be a good fit. I contacted her and set up an appointment to chat early last week.


We chatted and something Roxanne said caught by attention…”yes, the depression and my health challenge.” My ears perked…”what health challenge?” She went on to explain her encounter with end stage lung cancer, divine healing and God’s intervention. I was intrigued. We talked about her experience and a calling God placed on her life to lay hands on others so they could experience His healing power. (Be sure and tune into our radio show to hear her testimony on Tuesday, September 1 at 5pm Pacific.)


Now I was riveted, I’ve been telling the Lord for some years that I want to understand divine healing better. I shared my health challenge, “Gizmo” (that’s what I call the cyst), with Roxanne and asked her if she would lay hands on me and pray…she agreed to meet Phil and I just before my doctor’s appointment today. We were both praying for God’s direction and I asked many of our friends and family to agree with us in prayer at 9 am Pacific today. I was so blessed by the many emails and texts I received this morning from those agreeing with us.


This is why I am writing these posts…There we were Phil, Roxanne and me, standing in the parking lot of the doctors office. Roxanne shared what she felt God had given her for me.

Before I tell you about that, of course I believe God can speak to me directly, and He has many times. However, I also believe he uses other followers of Jesus Christ to speak into our lives. There were many things in our conversation that confirmed to both Roxanne and I that our meeting was a divine appointment.


There is much illness today that is cured when the individual takes personal responsibility and begins a healthy diet and lifestyle. However, there is a time when healing is beyond our control and that is where we follow the scripture, seek God’s will and plan and stand in Confidence.


James 5:14 says, “Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of The Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”


What God Asked Me To Do

Roxanne said, “I believe God has told me that you are already healed. He wants you to STAND in Confidence of that. He also wants you to USE YOUR VOICE to share that with others.” She went on to say, “We are often attacked by the enemy in our ministry or calling. If Satan can get us to lose confidence and back down then our ministry is weakened. So the victory comes as you STAND IN CONFIDENCE and USE YOUR VOICE. Declare your healing and share it with others.” She then anointed me with oil and I received God’s healing power and agreed to accept the challenge to Stand in Confidence and Use My Voice to declare my healing.


After we prayed, Phil and I went in to see the doctor. Her take on “Gizmo” is that it is just a very large simple cyst. There is really no evidence of any cancer in the blood tests, Ultrasound, CT scan and physical exam. “It just feels like a great big smooth cyst.” She took some blood for a CA 125 test and asked me to do an MRI as neither the ultrasound or the CT scan showed the source of the cyst. Once those results are in she can develop a good plan and decide if she or someone else needs to remove it. I was happy to hear she was willing to do more investigation rather than just go in and start cutting.


The doctor is not able to do the surgery until the end of August…more than a month away. This gives much time for God’s supernatural healing power. Several have already agreed with me on that. I must admit it is a scary thing to say…but I will STAND, say it out loud and call it into being and trust God for the outcome.


My Declaration

I declare in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of His blood that I am healed. This cyst, Gizmo is to shrivel up and be removed at the root by the healing power of God.


The doctor and medical tests can’t see the root but God CAN!


Everyday I will Stand on that and Declare it in the Name of Jesus.

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