Hi! You clicked through to our payment page and now you’ve changed your mind…or you are hesitating…
It’s normal to have questions, wonder if you should step out and trust someone you don’t know or even be unsure if you would be successful!
Let’s Talk! This Reset is limited to 15 people, we don’t want you to miss out! More questions? Feel free to reach out to Celeste: thewellnessworkshop@msn.com
Aly: https://instagram.com/heyalychase
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about SummerReset
Q: PayPal: I don’t like PayPal, is there another way I can pay for the classes?
A: Yes! We will be happy to take your good check or cash, call Celeste to find out how to do this. 615-975-0186
Q: Workouts: I am not physically able to jump up and down or do a lot of heavy workouts, I can’t even walk very far! Is this class for me?
A: Aly will have “chair versions” for those who have limited mobility. There are many short walking trails in the park for those who can only do a “walk to the mail box”. Even if you can’t fully participate in the workout, this is only a small portion. Everyone will benefit from the spiritual encouragement, nutrition challenges and the love of the group.
Q: I can’t attend every session is it worth it for me to attend some of them?
A: Each week builds on the first, however, each one can be stand alone as well. If you need to miss more than one you may want to schedule individual sessions with Aly or Celeste or wait until our next group in the fall of 2019.
Q: Will you do this again? I can’t come in June.
A: We plan on offering this program again in September.
Q: Do you have an evening group?
A: We only have a daytime group scheduled at this time. If we have 10 people to start an evening group we are willing to do so. If you are interested contact us and help us fill the group!