Psalm 30:10-12

10″Hear, O LORD, and be gracious to me; O LORD, be my helper.” 11You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, 12That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever.


picture of a young ballerina

Dancing Through Life! A Spiritual Cleanse is for you if you are a follower of Jesus Christ and:

  • You just feel like you are trudging through life, heavy burdened, no joy, stuck and no vision for a better future.
  • You are willing to do the work to become strong in your body, mind and spirit.
  • You want loving relationships, freedom, vision and purpose for your life.




Dancing Through Life Is For You If:

  • You keep trying to lose weight and just can’t do it.
  • You are in a miserable relationship, job or marriage.
  • You are experiencing chronic health problems but the doctors say they can’t find the source of your problems.
  • You are full of fear, anger, or sadness and you just can’t seem to break out of it.
  • You just want to live a joy-filled, courageous, peaceful life in the midst of a flawed and fallen world!

Our Dancing Through Life! Spiritual Cleanse is a one-on-one spiritual coaching program. Step by step identify what is causing you to “trudge through life” and partner with God to turn your mourning into dancing!

The Dancing Through Life! Spiritual Cleanse consists of 8 private sessions with Celeste, one every two weeks, with homework and personal inventories.

Results from women just like you!

  • “Each session has brought me some positive and desired change but after my third session I feel very different in every way”.
  • “I am happier, more relaxed, I have more energy for my family relationships, especially my husband”.
  • “My head is up and my eyes are open, I am getting rid of my old habit of dissatisfaction”.
  • “Wow…I had no idea I was carrying so much…no wonder I have so many health problems”.
  • “My life feels easier somehow”.
  • “I spent a week with my mom and it was all good…that is new for me!”
  • “My grief has turned to joy!”
  • “I’ve received a download of joy from the Holy Spirit!”
  • “I had no idea just how much that broken relationship impacted every area of my life”.
  • “I am moving forward now with joy and anticipation”.
  • “Everything about my life is better!”

Dancing Through Life! A Spiritual Cleanse, is a 4-month investment in your joyful future.  A small investment compared to a life of joyful freedom. Think of what you spend on vacation and give yourself a vacation for life as you start dancing through life!

Testimony From Carolyn, 50+ – 2024

I first met Celeste in 2006 when my husband and I began our health journey. Celeste helped us through a 28-day raw food detox through which we experienced renewed health and energy to live! But what made the greatest impression on me about Celeste and healthy living was that she was rooted in her faith in Christ and she was full of the joy of the Lord. So, several years later when I was very broken over the loss of relationship with our oldest son, Celeste agreed to meet with me about a different kind of healthy living, matters of the heart.

When I first started meeting with Celeste, I was broken, heavy hearted, angry and unforgiving of others. Though I claimed to be a follower of Christ, I was living as an orphan not really believing in the power of Christ to heal. I wanted to fix the broken relationship with my son, but God wanted to do so much more! God has used Celeste to teach me about the fear of the Lord and what it means to truly entrust myself to Him who loves me more than I can imagine.

I have learned how to forgive others and release them as well as repent and receive God’s forgiveness for myself. I’ve learned how to look for snares and be ready when they come. My relationship with my Heavenly Father has grown deeper and more intimate than I could have ever imagined! Today, I no longer live as an orphan but as a dearly loved daughter of the Most-High King Jesus Christ!

Are you hurting and lonely? Are there broken places in your life? Trust God, He is able to do more than you can ask, think or imagine! He wants you to learn to live dearly loved as the bride of Christ! My friend Celeste can help you learn how!

Marcy – 50+ – July 2024

So blessed to have found you…thankful to Jesus to have allowed me to find you!♥️


Are you ready to start dancing?

Text Celeste to set up a complimentary 15 minute consultation to learn more and see if this is a fit for you.

If calling internationally please use USA country code +1 or contact me through Whats App or email

Text in USA: 541-728-7280