Mexican Minestrone Soup

Mexican Minestrone

This is truly an OMGoodness Soup!  The traditional chili type spices of a Mexico combined with the smooth yumminess of parmesan cheese rinds and the savory spices of Italy, Oregano and Rosemary, create a smooth creamy texture and flavor you’ll have to use self-control!  Bonus!  It’s meatless and basically vegetarian as the only animal product is two small parmesan rinds.

Mexican Minestrone
Mexican Minestrone with Parmesan Rinds

When a recipe wakes up every part of your tongue with flavor, you know you’ve got a good one. Mexican Minestrone has the perfect blend of salty, fatty and savory that makes your mouth say WOW! and all without MSG, flavor enhancers and preservatives. Winner!

Always Celebrate a Win no matter how small!

Two “Secret Weapons” combine to make this “The Bomb” of all bean soups!  

Secret Weapon #1 Parmesan Rinds…

Mexican Minestrone
Parmesan Rinds after cooking in the soup for 2 hours

What are parmesan rinds? Here’s a great article from Food Hacks

“Parmesan rinds are exactly what they sound like: the rind from a round of authentic Parmesan cheese. When the cheese is finished, it has a protective rind that develops all along the outside, like crust on bread.”(1) Brady Klopfer

I buy a container of Parmesan rinds at Whole Foods when they are available and stick them in the freezer. The ones I used today have been frozen for about 6 months…I still have enough left for 2 more big batches of soup; I think they cost me $6 total.

Mexican Minestrone
The dark side is the outside rind. The light side is the cheese side.

Brady Klopfer in the Food Hacks article above, suggests making a Parmesan Broth for soups…I LOVE this idea!  Throw the rinds I purchased last summer into a stock pot with some onions, garlic and other desired herbs, simmer for a few hours and then freeze for future soups. YUM!

Mexican Minestrone

The Second Secret Weapon

The Second “Secret Weapon” of this Mexican Minestrone is “Tajin”, Classico Seasonings with Lime; a flavorful dehydrated lime and chilis spice I found at Aldis.  If you don’t have an Aldis you might be able to find it at Trader Joe’s. 

IF you can’t find this secret weapon spice I believe you could get the same flavors with chili powder (I like the Kroger Six-Chili powder) and the juice of a real lime…probably 1-2 Tablespoons. Start with 1 Tablespoon and then add more to your taste.  The subtle lime definitely adds to the amazing flavor.

Have some fun…clean out your fridge for the new year!

The first of the year is a good time to look at your “Food Inventory” … this will keep your children from looking at you in horror when you are old; Mom, really?  This box of cake mix is 20 years old!  You know what I mean?

Clean your fridge regularly for both physical and mental health…lol

It took me about 20 minutes to go through the fridge, freezer and pantry to see what was on hand and needed to be used or tossed.  I actually made a list.  Knowing what I have on hand helps me to stay prepared and keeping my fridge clean and organized is key to cooking 95% of our meals at home, and staying healthy.

Mexican Minestrone
Parmesan Rinds simmering in Mexican Minestrone

I decided to use what I had on hand for the weekend as we are doing a 7-days of raw food except for our vegan proteins so of course beans are cooked.  Hence, this new favorite soup, Mexican Minestrone.  I did not have to purchase one thing extra to make this soup. Half a poblano pepper from another day, staples always on hand of carrots, celery, onions, garlic and beans and 2 boxes of Organic Chicken Broth and my secret weapons of Parmesan Rind and Tajin seasoning went together for a fabulous healthy delicious soup.

Mexican Minestrone

This is truly an OMGoodness Soup! The traditional chili type spices of a Mexico combined with the smooth yumminess of parmesan cheese rinds and the savory spices of Italy, Oregano and Rosemary, create a smooth creamy texture and flavor you’ll have to use self-control! Bonus! It’s meatless and basically vegetarian as the only animal product is two small parmesan rinds.
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time2 hours
Total Time14 hours 10 minutes
Servings: 6 cup and a half


  • 3 Tablespoons Cold Pressed Grape Seed or high quality EV Olive Oil as needed to sauté veggies
  • 2 large carrots thin sliced or chopped
  • 2 stalks celery thin sliced
  • 1/2 cup poblano pepper thin sliced and seeds removed
  • 1 cup Kale thin sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic minced
  • 6 cups small white beans-navy or cannellini beans or 4-6 15 oz cans organic beans
  • 2 quarts organic chicken stock
  • 1 teaspoon sprig fresh Rosemary or ½dried
  • 2 teaspoon sprigs fresh Italian Oregano or 1dried
  • 1 teaspoon Tajn Chili Lime seasoning
  • 2-3 medium Parmesan Rinds
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon Red Pepper flakes to taste
  • Celtic Sea salt or Pink Himalayan salt to taste to taste


  • Soak the Beans if you used dry beans, wash them in a colander and put 6 cups of beans in a large bowl and cover with filtered water overnight. Before making the soup, rinse and drain beans.
  • Put 1 Tablespoon oil In a large soup pot, sauté onion, carrots, peppers and celery until onions are translucent, add garlic and sauté a few minutes more (add more oil as needed to sauté).
  • Add beans to vegetables in pot, stir.
  • Add Tajin, cumin, red pepper flakes and stir.
    Mexican Minestrone
  • Add organic Chicken Broth, stir.
  • Add Parmesan Rinds and fresh Rosemary and Oregano sprigs (the leaves will fall off when it is cooking, then remove the stems).
    Mexican Minestrone
  • Cover pot and cook on medium until the beans are soft, about 4 hours. I usually take a few beans out and smash them with a fork, when they smash easily they are cooked.
  • If you are using canned beans, reduce cooking time to 2 hours.
  • Before serving, remove herb stems and parmesan rinds.
    Mexican Minestrone
  • Use an immersion blender to gently blend some of the beans and veggies for a creamier soup (just a couple of spins) or serve as is without blending.
    Mexican Minestrone
  • Remember...all soup is better the second day! You can enjoy the leftovers or allow it to cool thoroughly and store in the fridge for 2-3 days or in the freezer for a month.


We enjoy Mexican Minestrone with our crusty homemade sprouted spelt sourdough bread slathered in real organic unsalted butter or homemade corn bread muffins and coleslaw, Phil’s favorite.  
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