Homemade Ice Cream

Make in your Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker, no mess from salt, turning a crank or chopping ice. We keep our Cuisinart ice cream tub in the freezer at all times so we can use it when we get the urge for some great ice cream. It just takes about 25 minutes, less time than getting in the car and driving to the ice cream shop.

Homemade Ice Cream

Celeste Davis
Servings: 1 quart


  • cups So Delicious Coconut Milkunsweetened (can also use cow’s, hemp or almond milk)
  • 1 cup So Delicious Coconut Creamer or other cream or creamer
  • ½ cup Raw Local Honey can use raw organic agave nectar
  • 1-2 teaspoon organic pure vanilla see next page


  • Use a mixer or whisk to mix the Ingredients well. Put in freezer for 15-30 minutes to chill.
  • Follow Instructions for your ice cream maker.
  • Add fruit, chocolate, chocolate chips, almond butter, nuts, whatever you like before you freeze the ice cream or enjoy over fresh fruit!
  • Tip! Love Carmel topping? Just drizzle warm raw honey over your ice cream, it will harden and give you that carmel flavor you love! I also love to add some lime juice and lime zest to my honey before doing the drizzle.

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