Green Goddess Dressing

I guarantee this Green Goddess Dressing will become a family favorite.  It was created in one of our Whole Foods Cooking Classes in Franklin, Tennessee at the McEwen Whole Foods Market.  Even your non-healthy eaters will love it as a veggie dip, salad dressing, or on the Green Goddess Veggie Sandwich.

I love to grow my own basil, dill and green onions just for this dressing.  I also make kefir or yogurt instead of buying it…just another level of health for me and my family!

You’ll find this same dressing used in our Gluten Free Eggplant Sandwich.

Fun Story…A mother brought her daughters to our cooking classes at Whole Foods Market.  One morning the fifth grader asked her mom if they could please run to the store and pick up the ingredients for the Green Goddess Veggie sandwich as she wanted to take it in her school lunch!  This from a girl who usually loved hot dogs.

Our family always expects me to bring this dressing to events.  I get alot of grief if I bring something else!

In this video Phil & I are making the Green Goddess Sandwich on Gluten Free Focacia Bread in our own kitchen.

Better taste than any bottle you will ever open! No harmful preservatives and MSG AND your family will love it. Make ahead; flavor is better the next day, can be kept for 3-5 days.

We use Grapeseed Veganaise or homemade mayo instead of commercial mayo to avoid bad fats and toxic chemicals.

Create an Alkaline Meal

Have a Green Goddess Veggie Sandwich and Broccoli Salad and Coconut Almond Fudge for Dessert!

Green Goddess Dressing

Green Goddess Dressing is a savory creamy dressing packed with flavor. Use it for a veggie dip or especially wonderful on veggie sandwiches!
Servings: 2 cups


  • 1 cup goat or Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup Veganaise 1 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt made with Grape seed oil
  • 1 teaspoon garlic granules
  • 1 teaspoon onion granules
  • 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 3 green onions tops and all
  • 1- 3 garlic cloves
  • 1-2 tablespoons fresh dill
  • 3-4 fresh basil leaves
  • 1 teaspoon organic Dijon mustard


  • Blend all in magic bullet, blender or food processor.
  • Refrigerate in sealed glass jar for up to 7 days. Use as dip, dressing or sandwich spread.


Variations to Green Goddess Dressing
Blue Cheese – crumble blue cheese or feta into dressing
Dill – add 1 teaspoon dry dill or 1 Tablespoon fresh dill
Basil Dill – add 1 Tablespoon fresh dill and 1 Tablespoon fresh basil

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