Day 18 The Esther Diet

The Esther Diet

Preparing to Meet the Groom

 The Esther Diet – The Time Is Near

Hannah was ready for the day when Sarah woke up. “Sarah”, Hannah said excitedly, the time is short until your groom Jacob arrives. We must begin to prepare – today you begin the Esther Diet.”

Sarah stretched and yawned, “Prepare? What have I been doing for the past 6 years but preparing?” Hannah replied with a sparkle in her eye, “It is time for the Esther Rituals to begin”. Sarah sat up, she knew exactly what that meant. The Esther Rituals were the best part of preparing for her Groom.

The past 6 years Sarah focused on learning to be a good steward of her future husbands property and affairs. She was known as an excellent manager of her household. Sarah provided her family with food from the gardens. She chooses fine quality yarns to create beautiful clothing and curtains and pillows from her textile efforts. Sarah was indeed a capable and virtuous woman but now, the tasks would be set aside and full effort would be given to preparing her body. The thought of a honeymoon with Jacob was both exciting and unsettling. Preparing her body would also prepare her heart for her groom.

images-1“Today” Hannah said, “you will begin the special Esther diet. Your food will be different from your family until the marriage supper. You must prepare your body with healing foods.”

Initially Sarah was reticent to change her diet, after all she was used to the foods her family ate every day. Would she like these new foods? And what about Sabbath meals? Was she to be different on Sabbath too?

Hannah explained, “the Special Foods of Esther do wonderful things for your body. First and foremost they rid your body of musty sweat. Sarah, do you really want your new husband to smell dusty musty sweat on your wedding night? The herbs and spices combined with the fruits and vegetables cleanse your body inside and make your skin smooth and beautiful.

Then there is your monthly emission. Sometimes, Sarah, you get a little crabby during that time. Even though you go out with the others and are separated during your monthly do you want to have the reputation of being a crabby woman with your new family?”

Hannah’s eyes sparkled again, “and Sarah, what about your marriage bed? Do you want that to be fulfilling and exciting or painful?” Sarah blushed. The Esther Tea, made with Fenugreek will plump up your little breasts and give you a new desire for your husband you’ve never experienced.”

“Sarah”, Hannah continued. No more of this complaining. You will love the food. Every day you will eat grapes and the pomegranates your family saves for special occasions. You will enjoy the richness of the pumpkins with cinnamon and honey. You are going to love the Esther Diet, I promise.”


The Esther Ritual, found in the book of Esther focused on preparing a woman’s body. Esther was a Jewish girl who was taken by the King of Persia to be a part of his harem. God used Esther to save the Jewish people from extermination by giving her favor with the king such that he made her Queen. Esther demonstrates the incredible power of a woman submitted to God for His plans and purposes.

Before Esther could be presented to the King as part of his harem she had to go through extensive beauty treatments. Think of this:

  • The people of this time lived in dusty rock filled terraces.
  • They wore sandals on their feet, likely making their feet tough and cracked and exposed them to parasites.
  • Their skin was exposed to the sun and windy dryness of this arid country.

The purpose of these beauty treatments was likely more than just to create a “babe” for the king but also for health and hygiene.

The prescribed treatments are found in Esther 2:8-12

v9 “Immediately he provided her with beauty treatments and special food.”

v12 “Before she could go into the king she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments, prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six months with perfumes and cosmetics.”

What we know about these treatments:

The word “Beauty Treatments”, according to the Expositors Bible Commentary” (1) is to “scour and polish”. So the women were clean and revealed their natural beauty.

We will look at the significance of essential oils in the Esther Ritual in the future. Today we will focus on the Special Food of the Esther Ritual.

Historically true Persian foods are very healthy

(2) (3) The website, Tehrahn Travels (Iran is the modern name for Persia) states:

“Iranians have looked at food at 3 different ways for many centuries; medicinal, philosophical and cultural. Iranian Physicians and philosophers considered food or beverages as the main factor to revive body. Consuming food is a way of weakening or strengthening human character. Consuming a lot of red meat and fats was thought to create evil thoughts and make us selfish. However, consuming a healthy diet including fruits, vegetables, fish, fowl, mixed petals and blossoms of roses create unusual powers and make us gentle and noble creatures. “(4)

The foods of Persia are the embodiment of a true anti-inflammatory diet.

Fruits such as dates, figs, citrus, apricots, cherries, grapes and pomegranates are high in minerals promoting good body function and antioxidants which repair and protect the body at the cellular level. Apples, plums and pears assist with digestion, maximizing nutrition.

Specifically, the polyphenols in the pomegranate are what keep your cells healthy and safe and therefore keeps the body from needed to protect itself in the form of inflammation.”(4a)

Healing herbs such as mint, basil, cilantro, dill and coriander and tarragon support the intestinal and digestive tract. Tarragon is also used to control PMS, which I suppose would be especially important in a harem of women.

And how about Fenugreek, enhancing the breasts and aiding in sexual stimulation? A great pre-marital herb!

“While Fenugreek is considered the finest herb for enhancing feminine beauty it also aids in sexual stimulation, balances blood sugar levels, and contains choline, which aids the thinking process. Fenugreek has been the focus of several studies concerning the treatment of diabetes and the prevention of breast cancer. Its ability to balance hormone levels aids in treating PMS and menopause. Its antioxidants slow ageing and help prevent disease.” (5)

What does Fenugreek taste like?

“Fenugreek is an annual herb with a slightly sweet, nutty flavor often described as a cross between celery and maple. The seeds can be used whole or ground and are commonly found in curry powder. Use fenugreek to season savory meats, such as chicken or pork, and vegetables. Start out with a small amount—too much will cause a bitter taste.” (5)

 Saffron, cardamom, turmeric are all anti-inflammatory and healing spices

In the East, saffron was generally used to treat light to moderate depression; it had the reputation to bring cheerfulness and wisdom. Because of this, it is said that it has aphrodisiac properties for women.

“In Morocco, saffron is part of a remedy passed down from mother to daughter still used to relieve tooth ache when babies get their first teeth (for external use: analgesic for gums), by massaging gums with a gold ring coated with honey and saffron, a lotion with natural antiseptic properties. In France, the well known Delabarre syrup took up the same recipe. Grand-mothers also relieved young women’s painful periods by giving them tea or milk with saffron. “(7)


“What many people don’t realize is that cardamom is also medicinal, and helps relieve digestive problems induced by garlic and onion, making it more than merely an aromatic addition to the stomach-challenging cuisine it accompanies. Cardamom is considered one of the most valuable spices in the world due to its rich aroma and therapeutic properties.” (8)


“Turmeric (Curcuma longa), the bright yellow of the spice rainbow, is a powerful medicine that has long been used in the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat a wide variety of conditions, including flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, hemorrhage, toothache, bruises, chest pain, and colic.” (9)

Persian (Iranian) food uses rice and primarily vegetables with small amounts of meat. Their favorite animal protein is lamb. Vegetables include pumpkin, spinach, green beans, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers and scallions. They love fresh crisp greens tossed in olive oil, lemon, garlic and salt and pepper.

Have you prepared your body for your groom?

The Esther Diet is trending today as an anti-inflammatory and alkaline diet; healing foods for your body and soul.

The Honor Manifesto Theme is 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price.Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

Think of the price that Jesus paid for you, his bride.  Think of the promises He has given you.  Think of the honeymoon suite He is preparing for you.

How can you Honor God with your body?

Of course remaining sexually pure is important.  However, say “I love you so much” to your new husband if you showed up fat, sick and tired for your honeymoon and did not put any effort in your physical appearance?

Just as a bride is conscious of getting her physical body in shape for her groom, should we do any less?  Not necessarily for appearance as much as for function.  I realize this is a unique way to consider your physical appearance and strength but go with me for a minute.

  • Is your body is in such poor shape that you are not able to be who God created you to be?
  • If God called you to serve him using your physical strength could you do it?
  • Are you unable to serve God with your gifts to your family and the world at large because you are fat, sick and/or tired?
  • Is the physical condition of your body up to you?

Even if you are suffering with a debilitating disease, giving your body God-Made foods will always be beneficial.  If you do not treat your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, living a stress-filled, junk food-filled life, are you Honoring the price your groom paid for you?

This is not to bring condemnation but rather a challenge.  Ask yourself.  Do I treat my body in a way that Honors my groom?  What do I want to do differently?  How can I partner with God for my physical health?

If you feel challenged by this and want a program to help you bring your body to the place it is able to accomplish God’s plans and purposes for your life check out our book, Wonderfully Well or our on-line course, Be Nourished 4 Life


Tomorrow we will look at the rest of the Esther Ritual – Preparing your body for the groom.

Wondering if you should do the Esther Diet or the Esther Fast?  Go Here

About the Author: Celeste Davis, is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ with a heart to walk fully in Covenant with Him. As Founder of The Wellness Workshop, Celeste’s heart is to teach women and impact their families to “Be Nourished” as opposed to dieting or trying different life strategies. We nourish our bodies with God-Made Food, our Souls with God-Made Relationships and our Spirits with the Word of God and Prayer. More Info about Celeste


(1) Expositors Bible Commentary

(2) Wikipedia

(3) Jewish Women’s Magazine

(4) Tehran Travels

(4a) 15 Health Benefits of Pomegranate

(5) Fenugreek

(6) Taste of Home-Feungreek—spices/what-is-fenugreek-

(7) Saffron health benefits

(8) Cardamom

(9) Turmeric

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